Terms of Service to the freelancer

Welcome to DE TOKIOS freelancer platform, it’s a shout and loud that you want to join a million of people who have made up their mind to be their own bosses. Choosing De Toikios clearly shows that you have a good taste, this platform was founded by freelancers just like you so expect no stress we a not an online labour recruitment agency,

WE A DE TOKIONS, once freelancer, saving from stress of them and move in like boss.


1. Who is DE TOKIOS?

De Tokios is a freelancer platform registered in Netherlands, It’s owned and managed by WE EVANS B.V it’s registered under the kvk number 89902556, ereprijsweg48 Zaandam, and 1508CW. We are an online platform that enables freelancers and employers to meet and agree to do ascertain task, This partly dan through the help of our API systems on our platforms


2. How does De Tokios work?

If a  clients  in need of services, then can place a ‘shift when the shift is approved,its it will posted on the platform and the freelancer reacts to it inform of showing interest in the shift or service the employer, client or contact person will accept the freelancer to take the shift.

In this situation the De TOKOD management is not part of this process ,It simply comes after the freelancer and the employee have reached the agreement and have entered in contract our platform only give templates and APIs that helps in the process.

De Tokios does not determine how, when and by whom the work is performed. These are all matters that you yourself agree with the client. This also means that we have no objection whatsoever to you carrying out similar work via  other platforms that could possibly be seen as competitors of DE Tokios.

3. What is the role of the Freelancers?

As freelancer, you are an independent self-employed entrepreneur and contractor. Therefore, you are responsible for arranging assignments and for making agreements with clients. De Tokios does, not  ofcourse help you with this .It is your responsibility as an entrepreneur to deal with your clients , You have to determine how to carry out your service, find replacements, you also responsible for risks as in any other business.

1. Professionalism:

Avoid engaging in unprofessional behavior, including negative comments or disputes. Maintain a professional tone  in all your interactions. Treat clients and fellow freelancers with respect.

2. Timely Communication:

Respond promptly to messages and inquiries. Clear and timely communication is crucial for successful collaboration. Engaging in effective communication with clients is crucial, Freelancers discuss project details, clarify requirements, and negotiate terms to ensure a mutual understanding

3. Transparency:

Be transparent about your skills, experience, and work process. Misrepresentation can lead to misunderstandings. Here we mean do not over exaggerate your skills under your profile. Freelancers must adhere to ethical standards, maintain client confidentiality, and represent themselves and the platform positively. If a client contacts you outside the platform, redirect them to use the platform’s messaging system to maintain transparency.

4. Adherence to Policies:

Familiarize yourself with the platform’s terms of service and guidelines. Ensure your actions aline with these policies. If you failed to adhere with the policies and terms we shall block you or pay fine.

5. Ethical Practices:

This involves providing updates, seeking feedback, and addressing any concerns throughout the project Uphold ethical standards in your work. Avoid plagiarism, respect intellectual property rights, and provide honest and accurate information. Avoid plagiarism, respect intellectual property rights, and provide honest and accurate information. This will improve your trust and clients.

6. Conflict Resolution:

Approach conflicts or disagreements professionally. Use the platform’s designated channels for dispute resolution if necessary. In case of any issues or disputes, freelancers actively participate in resolving problems, demonstrating a commitment to customer satisfaction. You as the freelancer is personally responsible to solve the misunderstanding with the client DE TOKIOS MANAGMENT IS NOT PART OF THIS.

7. Reliability:

Deliver work within agreed-upon deadlines. If unexpected issues arise, communicate proactively and renegotiate timelines if needed. There is always agreed terms and condition on the shift description if you will not make it up for the shift either find a replacement via the platform or pay a no-show fine.

8. Profile Accuracy:

Freelancers build comprehensive profiles showcasing their skills, expertise, work experience,

And a portfolio of past projects. Continuously updating and enhancing their profiles, adding new skills, projects, and testimonials, Contributes to building a strong professional reputation on the platform. Do not exaggerate your skills or experience. Be honest about your capabilities to avoid dissatisfaction from clients.

Regularly update your profile with accurate information regarding skills, availability, and portfolio items. Always indicate your exact photo, and contact details failure to comply with that we may lead to blockage from the Platform

9. Work Execution:

Freelancers independently manage and execute the assigned tasks or projects, ensuring high-quality work within agreed-upon deadlines.
The freelancer must take on the shift once awarded to him or her and when its finished the employer will accept the shift as the check out and when all this is done payments will be made. You as a FreeFlexer

10 FreeFlexers guarantee that they are independent contractors and comply with all applicable laws and regulations,



11. Invoicing and Payments:

Adhering to the payment terms specified in the agreement, freelancers submit accurate and timely invoices for the work completed. The invoices will be automatically created on the platform

via the system but all this will come after the client accept the shifts and pays out .In case there is a disagreement between the freelancer and the client then a delay in the invoice and  the payment may arise, In case this happens it must be solved between the freelancer and client.

4. What is the meaning of certain terms?

In these terms and conditions, the terms listed below have the meanings given to them.

  • FREELANCER: The independent entrepreneur and/or contractor who, using the Platform, concludes an Assignment with the Client for the performance of a Shift.
  • SHIFT: The work posted by the Client on DE TOKIOS for which the Client is seeking one or more contractors to perform.
  • ASSIGNMENT: The assignment agreement that is established between the Freelancer (as the assignee) and the Client for the performance of the Shift.
  • CLIENT: The approved person on DE TOKIOS freelancer platform who is permitted to post shift for the Freelancer.
  • ASSIGNMET CLIENT: The claims of the freelancer against the Client for payment of fees for the Shift performed by the Freelancer.
  • PLATFORM: The online digital platform maintained and operated by WE EVANS B.V were De Tokios is registered and were the client and freelancer meet to carry out a task.
  • PROFILE: It is the personals page that shows the freelancers details on DE TOKIOS freelancer platform.

If you come across these terms on DE TOKIOS freelancer platform, they mean what is explained in the statements above, they can be used in plural and they can refer to any gender.


What does DE TOKIOS DO?

1. User Onboarding and Verification:
  • Develop a streamlined onboarding process for freelancers, guiding them through profile creation, skill verification, and platform policies.
  • Implement verification processes to ensure the authenticity of freelancers’ skills and qualifications.
  • Give access to the approved freelancers the right to use the platform grants and the right to create a Profile which enables the FreeFlexer to respond to Shifts by using the Platform and as a result to come into contact with potential or actual Clients;
  • provides the Client and Freelancers with a template and API for the Assignment (which may be used at the Client’s
  • DE TOKIOS is responsible for collecting the money for the show claim for the client from the freelancer ,This will only happen if the client puts up a claim that if you the freelancer did not show up for the shift.
  • The verification of all identity cards and all freelancer documents will be done by the de tokio management.
  • The FreeFlexer is solely responsible for what is written on their Profile. The information in your Profile must be correct, complete, truthful, and not in violation of any laws or regulations on this platform and Netherlands lows
  • The information may never be misleading, insulting, discriminatory or otherwise unlawful or unnecessarily offensive.
  • De Tokios is in no way liable for the content of your Profile.
  • De Tokios always assumes that the person communicating through the Platform is the legal representative of the freelancer
2. Quality Assurance and Vetting:
  • Establish criteria for evaluating and maintaining the quality of freelancers on the platform.
  • Periodically review and assess freelancers’ performance to identify areas for improvement.
  • De Tokios is responsible for the insight in who is working on the platform but in case a freelancer provides un clear documents or flound is found, de tokios will terminate you from the plat form and may lead to the police case ,in case of fraud the client will deal with the freelancer directly in the hands of low
  • De Tokios can refuse or suspend the registration in case something or a document is found wanting
  • The Freelancer can make use of the Platform from the moment the Profile is registered.
3. Policy Implementation and Enforcement:
  • Enforce platform policies consistently to create a fair and secure environment for all users.
  • Regularly update policies based on industry changes and user feedback.
  • De Tokios is responsible for maintaining all the lows on the As a self-employed contractor, the Freelancer is free to change and/or supplement these terms together with the Client. but in case this is done do it under the platform to keep evidence agreements adjustments made out of the platform will be delt between only the client and freelancers.
4. Dispute Resolution and Conflict Management:
  • Act as a mediator in disputes between freelancers and clients, working towards fair resolutions.
  • Develop a transparent and efficient process for handling conflicts to maintain positive user experiences.
  • De Tokios facilitates contact between the Freelancers and a potential or actual client, and is therefore not responsible for the acts or omissions of a Freelancers, a Client, or other third parties that DE tokios brings into contact with the Client or the freelancers. De Tokios accepts no liability for damage suffered as a result of acts or omissions of one or more of these parties
  • To the extent permitted by law, DE Tokios accepts no liability for any damage suffered by the FreeFlexer regardless of the type of damage (such as direct or indirect).
  • This does not limit any liability which cannot legally be excluded or limited, including but not limited to liability for death or personal injury caused by negligence and fraud or fraudulent misrepresentation.
  • This must be read de tokis is responsible for the agreement between the freelancer and and the client  if de tokios intervins ,it’s okay but not obligated by low
5. Communication Management:
  • Manage communication channels between freelancers and the platform, addressing inquiries and providing timely support.
  • Foster clear and open communication to ensure freelancers understand platform updates and changes.
  • De Tokios may temporarily suspend the availability of the Platform if necessary due to changes or preventive and/or corrective maintenance.
  • The inconvenience for the freelancer will in that case be kept to a minimum.
6. Training and Resource Provision:
  • Offer comprehensive training materials and resources to help freelancers maximize their potential on the platform.
  • Provide guidelines on best practices, optimizing profiles, and improving communication skills. The resource will be terms of teaching and messages that will be done through the platform but this is not must
7. Feedback Collection and Analysis:
  • Implement systems for collecting feedback from freelancers and clients to gauge user satisfaction.
  • Analyze feedback data to identify trends, address concerns, and make informed improvements.
  • we shall be responsible for collecting your person and company data but all this will be done in platform.
8. Market Research and Adaptation:
  • Stay informed about industry trends, competitor activities, and changes in the freelance landscape.
  •  Use market research to guide strategic decisions and adapt the platform to evolving user needs.
9. Performance Monitoring and Metrics Analysis:
  • Utilize key performance indicators (KPIs) to monitor user engagement, project success rates, and overall platform health.
  • Analyze metrics to identify opportunities for improvement and measure the impact of implemented changes.
  • The Platform may only be used for the purpose for which access is granted, including communication with the potential or actual Client in the context of Assignments.
  • The use of the Platform is limited to the Freelancers and they may only use the Platform for their own business purposes and may not grant access to third parties in any way.
  • The Freelancers and De Tokios both have the right to terminate the use of the Platform without notice, Without such termination non of the parties obligation to pay compensation for damage.
  • Termination of the use of the Platform takes place by the removal of the Profile
  • When using the platform the freelancer must comply with the applicable laws and regulations, these terms and conditions and the procedures and instructions stated on the Platform
10. Collaboration with Development Teams
  • Collaborate closely with the platform’s development team to implement new features, resolve technical issues, and ensure a seamless user experience
  • Provide insights from user management to inform the development roadmap.
  • De Tokios operates the Platform and ensures its proper functioning. However, all information on the Platform regarding Clients, Shifts, freelancers, Assignments,
  • originates from the Freelancers, the Clients or other third parties. These parties are responsible for the accuracy and completeness of the information, not De tokios. as a platform.
  • DeTokios is not liable for inaccurate or incomplete information.
11. Community Building, Engagement and laws
  • Foster a sense of community among freelancers through forums, events, and networking opportunities.
  • Encourage collaboration, knowledge sharing, and positive interactions among platform users.
  • Although the information included in the Platform has been carefully compiled,De Tokios  does not guarantee its accuracy or completeness, as De Tokios is dependent on third parties, processes and technology for this.
  • Applicable law and court with jurisdiction
  • All legal relationships between de tokios and the Freelancer are exclusively governed by the law of the Netherlands.
  • All disputes related to – or arising from – these terms and conditions and/or any other legal relationship between De Tokios and the Freelancer, are submitted exclusively to the competent Dutch Court.
12. The Assignments
  • As an independent contractor, you may have multiple clients. De Tokios helps the Freelancer to monitor these clients by registering the hours worked for each Clients example contract for services. This will be seen in under your profile as soon as the account is verified and ready to take on the shifts.
  • Although we help you where possible, you yourself are fully responsible for all legal and tax aspects of your business, such as reporting your turnover and reporting and paying VAT on time.
  • As entrepreneur you a solely responsible for the day today business activities ,
  • profits and losses in your business will shared buy and enjoyed by you saving money for the period when you work or for your PENSION is a peace of advice and your
  • Responsibility NB De Tokios does not do for you taxes nor keep for you passion.
  • After having completed the shift you will of course want to be paid for the service
  • The client will approve your hours and after the client payment of the shift costs
  • The invoice will be delivered to you and the payment but all this will be done through the platform
  • The tokios will also take the initiative to see that you a paid after you have worked but in case this delayed you may contact the client and De tokios in it needs to take a center stage NB all communications between you and the client should be done on the platform to keep records
  • Termination of the use of the Platform means that the freelancer cannot acquire new Assignments via the Platform. However, a termination has no consequences for current Assignments. All agreements continue to apply to these Assignments until the time of termination.